March 23, 2008


Okay, I'm working much on the final version lately. The new data transmitting system is nearly done. The incoming and outgoing data is 200 times les than in the DEMO. The idea of this is that every player moves less laggy, and the server can handle more players now. Still though, it is not perfect yet, but I won't change it, because people want to see the next version, and I want to get it done soon too.

I want to add some new functions in the coming update too. This means that after you 've logged in, you will get a new screen. Not sure what I will make, but here are some ideas:

- News bullitins: The news system makes me able to post some bullitins, that everybody can read after logging in.
- A status screen, with your score (yes, I allready have made cubes you can pick up)
- Highscore list
- Friend system (not sure I have time for this): Add friends, look whether they are online or not, and where they are in the (almost) big world.
- Of cource, with the friend-position system, I need to make a sort of world map.

I'm sure the news system will be build in, and the status screen as well. Perhaps the highscore list too, and, when the other things are done, the friend system. Not sure yet, because appart from searching them on a map, I don't really see what you can do with it...

As you can read, I've much to do. But before I'm making all of this, I want to enlarge the world first.

If you want to support the game, you can add one of these images to your signature (place the URL between the [img] and [/img] tag):
The standard signature image.
This is a dynamic image. The text on the image can be updated very easy by me.
So this picture is always up-to-date!


  1. Eh, not that great. Making you need another person limits the game when only one person is on, and losing all of your "tokens" is rather annoying when you can't pick them up again.

  2. I didn't mentioned that you can't pick them up again..?

    Anyway, if the game does not make use of the multilayer element, I could have made a single player game with a chat screen too. The game focusses itself on team play, so don't play it alone :)

    Also, in some rare cases, when there really is nobody in the area, admins will help you on some parts. But remember that the game is meant to play WITH other users.
