February 2, 2009


As you can see at the bottom of my devlog, I've added Adsense blocks to the page. These blocks will probably motivate me to work harder on SCF itself. I hope you don't find it disturbing and I surely don't want you to get the impression that I want money (even if I do).

Back to the subject this devlog is made for. Somehow I can't get something working: I wanted to make separate area's in SCF to reduce the amount of data being sent to players and to split up some parts of the word. This gives me some technical advantages and it could create some possibilities in gameplay. That is, of course, if the thing actually works. Though I have found examples that can help me (eventually) and all I can hope is that I can fix it ASAP.

A quick chat is added aswel, you can now press key 1-5 to create a text above your head (from "OMG" to "Noes!" and "*gasp*").
Before I forget, the enemies have a fightwords system now (based on the quick chat system for players). This means they will shout things like "Aaargg" and "Yarr!". A significant difference, in my opinion :)

Well, that's it for today. Yarr!