December 29, 2008


I'm thinking about uploading the new version soon, though I seem to have a little problem. All the things I actually wanted to change are, in fact, not changed at all. And on the other hand: Most things that I didn't really needed to change are adjusted a bit. The result is quite good by the way, even though a player won't see much of a difference between the current and previous version, that doesn't mean there aren't any: The interface and HUD are slightly changed, and I really think it looks (at least a bit) better. I also reorganised some things what makes it easier for me to update SCF in the future. As you could have guessed, the data transmission system is not updated yet because I am still experiencing problems with it. I just hope I don't get any problems with that too fast.

Also, before I'm going to upload the next version, I'll expand the level somewhat. Plus, I'll include a new teamwork element. :)